Currents: 4/14/10 Christian Family Film News NET is a new faith-centered cable TV network based in New York City. The heart base of our broadcast includes news, entertainment, children’s, and music, as well as religious programs. There are even programs in foreign languages. Today, while most television accentuate materialism, violence, sex, and sensationalism, NET brings viewers back to what really matters, family, fun, and faith in God. Have no fear, NET isn’t a cloistered channel of talking heads and sermons. It’s out on the streets of New York, visiting neighborhoods, talking to the diverse members of our community of faith — listening to the music and sampling the food. NET serves the young and old, the churched and unchurched, and men and women from different social, ethnic and religious backgrounds, showing how they work together to make our world a better place. It’s good TV! Movies for you and your family. Christian family film news, miss judys corner recommends


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